You should have a mental picture of the gear layout so you can change gear without looking at the diagram on top of the gear lever. Your eyes should be on the road. With practice, changing gear becom ...
Watch and see how to steer using the push and pull method. The steering wheel should normally be controlled with both hands. Turning the wheel as far as it will go is called 'full lock'. This type of ...
This video shows you how to properly park your car in a parking spot when the space in on the left and the spots are perpendicular to each other. ...
The purpose of the turn in the road maneuver is to turn the car to face the opposite direction by diagonally pulling forwards and reversing backwards across the road. watch and see how to safely do a ...
You may have to do a turn in the road where the road is narrow or your vehicle is difficult to steer. This video shows you how to safely do a five point turn ...
These are a series of clips to show you how to deal with the different situations when turning right at traffic lights. In the U.S. or countries that drive on the right, these principles will apply to ...
This video is a series of short clips that show how to merge onto a freeway. These clips show how to assess the speed of the traffic already on the freeway (or highway) and join the flow of traffic s ...
This video was filmed in the UK, so if you live anywhere where you drive on the right, you'll need to think in reverse: left is right, right is left. A great video for new drivers, you'll learn how t ...
Here you will learn how to safely drive on a multi-lane road and keep proper observation of everything around you. The video was filmed in the UK, but applies to drivers anywhere. ...
This clip shows a large double roundabout with traffic lights and how to negotiate the lights as you turn right and then straight. Some keys are: keep your speed down, don't speed up to 'beat the ligh ...